Did DJ Pauly D miss the mark?

Romans is a great book of the Bible. It is full of knowledge and sound logical interpretation of the gospel. Not only was Paul a good writer, it was clear the guy was very smart.    In the book of Romans 13 the first seven verses talk about submission to our governing authorities. In today's... Continue Reading →

In the World, But Not of It

One of the most widely quoted phrases from Biblical scripture is to be in the world, but not to be of the world. The great evangelist, Billy Graham, has a famous message on this Biblical concept. There is even an apparel company entirely based on this phrase, Not of This World.  The concept or phrase... Continue Reading →

Living in Sin

I don't need no license To sign on no line And I don't need no preacher To tell me you're mine I don't need no diamonds I don't need no new bride I just need you, baby To look me in the eye I know they have a hard time And your Daddy don't approve... Continue Reading →

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